Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The Wonders of YouTube

YouTube is a great source for tons of cool junk on the internet. The problem is that it can be quite hard to find. The solution to the problem is me (drastic exaggeration here). Whenever I see something awesome on YouTube, I'll post it here next chance I get. If you find something crazy cool on YouTube and want me to see it or post it here, go ahead and feel free to email it to me (firemastrr@gmail.com) or post a reply to this topic or any other topic with YouTube videos. If it's good enough, I'll post it.

If you don't really feel like buying tons of soda and breath mints and making some crazy chain reaction (or cleaning up the resulting mess), then here's an experiment to try at home. It's reletively easy and inexpensive. Make your Mountain Dew glow!

Check back periodically for more YouTube coolness!

Oh, by the way, if you like this blog but don't want to spend every day looking at it to see if I wrote more wisdom for you guys to read, consider making a Google account and following this blog using the "Follow this blog" link on the top of the right-hand column of the page after signing in to Blogger with your Google account. It really supports the blog and shows me that you're reading this! Thanks!

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