Sunday, February 8, 2009

Singggggggg, Sing a Songgggggg...

First, let me apologize for my sabbatical. It's been pretty busy around here lately, and I've been blowing this off. I promise I'll get back to my usual posting, though.
Personally, I love karaoke. It's a fun way to show off singing skills or to see how good at singing you actually are. The problem is that karaoke machines cost quite a bit to rent, and that doesn't include amps (if you want them) and certain songs. Check out Karaoke Party, a great site that-for free-lets you sing karaoke to a huge library of songs. All you need is a mic for your computer and you're good to go. The site even scores your singing for you. It's an awesome site, and I've spent forever on it singing my favorite songs over, and over, and over...
The neighbors have only complained 3 times so far, so I can't imagine I'm doing too bad...
Happy singing!


Genizah Keeper said...

Great, man! Just what I (don't) need. I can't wait to try it. Thanks also for the link to hulu. How do I register for your continuing computer classes? ;)
Glad you like your blanket. (To show you who GenizahKeeper is)

firemastrr said...

Continuing computer classes? What? :)
Anyway, thanks for the support! I love the hulu thing as well. And let it be said that it was up here before that Super Bowl ad!
Thanks again!