Monday, November 3, 2008

We Have Liftoff!

All right, first post, here we go...

Hey everyone! So this is my new blog, Ravings of a Madman - It's Just That Cool. Now, I know this is kind of a strange title, and believe me, it took me awhile to come up with, but it makes the most sense of anything I could think of. This blog is more or less a bunch of random posts on random stuff that pops into my head, or that I've found in the past week that seems mildly interesting and/or that I can make fun of. The "It's Just That Cool" part comes in now: I'll try my best to find the best of the internet or the real world that is just painfully awesome. We'll see how far I can go with this. I'll guarantee nothing, but I doubt there'll be many of you that will be totally disappointed.

Now for the general, technical info: I'm Firemastrr. Want to know other stuff about me? It'll be revealed in due time. (I'm a guy, too.) Firemastrr is my name for everything online. If you see that name, rest assured it's me. As far as posting, I'll definitely get something up for you guys every week, but I'll try my best to put stuff up more often than that. With school (first clue to additional info! I won't point it out like this all the time though, try and pick them out for yourselves. Fun game, no?) and all, though, you never know what'll come up.

Well, I should get going. Lots to do :P. Bear with me these first few weeks as I get a feel for this Blogger stuff, and figure out all it can do. Expect the first real post later this week!

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